Lenticular laminate art for Bonnaroo music and arts festival Roofus character and experience icons created by graphic design studio Color Punch

Bonnaroo Infinity Lenticular Laminate Design


We were brought in to design the Bonnaroo Infinity lam to commemorate Superfly’s role as a foundational partner in the festival. In collaboration with their creative team we came up with a concept that pays homage to the original Super Fly 1972 film, combined with Roofus in all his Bonnaroo glory. Lenticular laminates are a particularly fun design challenge because they have multiple design frames that create an ‘animation’ when you tilt them.


We first created a pencil sketch then took to the iPad to vectorize the composition. This was a lenticular laminate design, so we designed the artwork with a flip animation in mind and needed to create two sets of illustrations. When the viewer moves the laminate the animation “flips” from one state to another - Roofus waves his hand and moves his eyes, the logo colors flip and the Art Car lights blink on and off.